Distance of the moon I-III

Distance of the moon I-II (2015)

[Split projection on 3D printed surfaces of the near side and far side of the moon]

The Distance of the Moon I: Georges Méliès’ silent film, A Trip to the Moon, from 1902, with NASA’s Apollo 11 mission recordings from 1969 spliced to fit; 10:28 min

The Distance to the Moon II
28 images of an extinct Earth; 28:00 min


Distance of the moon III (2015)

3. Distance to the Moon. 357km of Moon thread.jpg

Single strand of moon thread, failing to measure the distance from here till there; 357 kms = 1/1000 distance to the super moon

"I thought only of Earth. It was Earth that caused each of us to be that someone he was rather than someone else; up there, wrested from the Earth, it was as if I were no longer that I, nor she that She, for me. I was eager to return to the Earth, and I trembled at the fear of having lost it. The fulfilment of my dream of love had lasted only that instant when we had been united, spinning between Earth and Moon; torn from its earthly soil, my love now knew only this heart-rending nostalgia for what
it lacked: a where, a surrounding, a before, an

-Italo Calvino, The Distance to the Moon